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16 June 2023
WebinarWebinar | Investigating Organized Crime and Illegal Trade Using Maltego: Lessons from Experts
Organized crime and illegal trade have a severe impact on the stability and security of many countries in Africa.
According to INTERPOL’s 2021 organized crime index, the Democratic Republic of the Congo had the highest organized crime index in Africa scoring. This was followed by Nigeria (ranking second) and other African countries with significant criminality levels such as the Central African Republic, Kenya, South Africa, and Libya.
The main criminal markets in Africa consists of human trafficking as the most proliferate, followed by arms trafficking and non-renewable resources crimes which include the illegal extraction and trade of natural resources. Terrorism has, in recent years, spread at particularly high levels in some African countries including Nigeria, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Mali facing the highest levels.
In this webinar, we will cover some the key criminal activities and how they can be researched while using Maltego. We will delve into investigations such as identifying key criminal individuals, developing their network of associates, and tracking their activities and international connections.
About the Speaker
Previously an intelligence officer for the Crime Intelligence Service with the South African Police, Andrew Fordred currently provides cyber intelligence investigations and privacy services to clients with an emphasis on cyber intelligence, social engineering, and the dark web. Andrew is also the founder of the Cyber Institute and a member of Board of Advisors for the OSMOSIS Institute (USA). He has spoken at events such as the Journey of the Hacker Windhoek Namibia, OSMOSIS 2018 Las Vegas USA and Cyber Threats against Children UNICEF.