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25 October 2024
WebinarExpert Roundtable | Countering Foreign Influence and Disinformation Campaigns
Foreign interference, including targeted disinformation campaigns, is on the rise, driven by technological advancements that amplify hybrid threats, especially through social media.
When disinformation is linked to non-democratic regimes, it often aims to bias public policy development or disrupt critical operations, swaying public opinion for its own interests through covert and deceptive tactics. By manipulating public perception and decision-makers, these campaigns can undermine the integrity of democratic values and threaten national security.
How can organizations, corporations, and governments defend against such threats?
We’ve gathered experts from diverse backgrounds to discuss global trends in disinformation, how countries and industries are responding, where the biggest challenges lie, and some success stories. We will also explore emerging risk factors and identify the next steps for collective efforts and action to combat this growing threat.
In this webinar, we explore:
- Global trends in disinformation and foreign influence as hybrid threats
- Strategies to identify and recognize disinformation campaigns
- Impact and risks to national security and public perception
- Real-life examples of countering foreign influence and disinformation
- Future steps to combat foreign influence and disinformation
Key takeaways:
- 01:40 Speaker Introduction
- 05:09 Global Trends in Disinformation Campaigns and Industry Efforts to Address Them
- 16:08 Effective Strategies for Identifying Disinformation Campaigns
- 20:07 The Scope and Impact of Foreign Influence Beyond Online Spaces
- 23:55 The Role of Culture and Trends in Shaping Vulnerability to Disinformation
- 26:20 Disinformation’s Impact on National Security Beyond Business Operations
- 28:13 Real-Life Case Studies of Combating Disinformation Campaigns
- 41:28 Future Steps to Counter Foreign Influence and Disinformation
About the Speaker
Carles Ortola Bosca
Carles is an Aeronautical Engineer with a Master’s degree in Intelligence and Security Studies from Brunel University London and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in International Security. As an Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona, he teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Intelligence, Strategic Analysis, Threat Assessment, Hybrid Conflicts, and Disinformation Operations. He also provides training in Strategic Thinking and Security for law enforcement agencies and serves as an advisor on intelligence, security, and hybrid threats to both public organizations and private companies.
Anna Loverus
Anna Loverus is the founder and CEO of Better Odds, an AI-powered platform designed to help businesses predict and manage risk, crisis, and uncertainty, empowering leaders to make more informed strategic decisions. She previously worked in crisis management at H&M and led content strategy and social media at Spotify, where she faced the challenges of constant disruptions from disinformation campaigns.
Christopher Schwartz
Christopher Schwartz is an American philosopher and former journalist focused on counter-disinformation and cybersecurity. He completed his doctorate at KU Leuven’s Institute of Philosophy in Belgium and is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Global Cybersecurity Institute where he is researching deepfakes and explainable artificial intelligence (xAI). Previously, he was a journalist in the former Soviet Union and Central Asia, including serving as editor-in-chief of NewEurasia Citizen Media and consultant for Factcheck as well as a guest researcher at KU Leuven’s Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography research group.