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Standard Transforms
By Maltego Technologies
OSINT Transforms available out of the box with every Maltego Desktop Client.

Maltego Standard Transforms
The Maltego Standard Transforms are the default OSINT Transforms that ship with every Maltego Desktop Client. These include Transforms for gathering OSINT from common sources on the internet such as queries on DNS servers, search engines, social networks, various APIs, and other sources.
With over 150 Transforms, the Maltego Standard Transforms enable investigators to perform a vast range of standard use cases on Maltego, including:
- Infrastructure footprinting
- Discovering related domains and infrastructure
- Analyzing live and historical web content
- Extracting and mapping document metadata
- Investigating social media handles and email addresses
- Analyzing documents via natural language processing and many more.
The Standard Transforms are useful for nearly all types of investigations commonly performed in Maltego, and include both specialized and generic Transforms to supplement the functionality of other Hub items.
The Transforms are available to all commercial Maltego users as well as CE users, with a few exceptions in the case of paid APIs.
Note: A detailed walkthrough of some key use-cases of these Transforms is available in the documentation.
Featured Datasets of Maltego Standard Transforms
BuiltWith Transforms
IPQualityScore Transforms
Microsoft Bing Search
Maltego Search Engine Transforms use the Bing API and return Bing search results for a given input query such as telephone number, URLs, domain, email addresses, and more. With these Transforms, investigators can narrow down the search focus in Maltego, find specific file types, and search specific IP Addresses using Dorking techniques.
Note: For Maltego Pro and Enterprise Plan users, Search Transforms are part of Standard Transforms. Simply install the Standard Transforms Hub Item to get started.
CE users should install the Hub item “Search Transforms CE” and plug in their own API key to get access to Search Transforms. Get your free API key here
OpenCNAM Transforms
SecurityTrails Transforms
Shodan InternetDB
Wayback Machine Transforms
WhoisXML Transforms
Wikipedia-EN Transforms
Automate Investigations with Maltego Machines
Footprint L1 – L3 Machines
Find Wikipedia Edits Machine
Company Stalker Machine
About Standard Transforms