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SSL Certificate Transparency Transforms
By Maltego Technologies
Identify suspicious certificate issuance or violation.

SSL Certificate Transparency Transforms
With SSL Certificate Transforms users have access to Live certificate retrieval and Cert Spotter.
Live certificate retrieval allows direct querying a Domain or DNS name for SSL certificates, which can be expanded into other sites that the certificates are valid for, as well as other metadata.
Cert Spotter is a Certificate Transparency log monitor from SSLMate that alerts you when a SSL/TLS certificate is issued for one of your domains. These Transforms only offer querying of the API; requesting new monitors and alerts is not possible from these transforms.
Monitoring potentially malicious activity on your domain can help you identify when attackers are trying to:
- Redirect your visitors to their malicious sites
- Serve malware under your name
- Impersonate your site
- Identify potentially malicious activity on your domain such as certificates issued to a compromised DNS, certificates issued for an abandoned sub-domain, certificates issued by a compromised Certificate Authority and certificates issued in violation of the Corporate policy
Typical Users of This Data
- Security Analysts
- Threat Intelligence Teams
About Maltego Techologies
Maltego is an interactive data mining tool that renders directed graphs for link analysis. The tool is used in online investigations for finding relationships between pieces of information from various sources located on the Internet.
Maltego also develops and offers Standard Transforms in the Hub. The SSL Certificate Transperency Transforms extend Maltego’s capabilities for Security Analysts and Threat Intelligence Teams.