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Regex Library
By Maltego Technologies
Extract matching objects from web pages using "Regular Expressions” patterns.

Regex Library Transforms helps analysts to extract matching objects from web pages using defined well-known “Regular Expressions” patterns (known as regex).
Investigators can now quickly extract useful information like emails, phone numbers, bitcoin addresses and many more from a web page for free using customizable regex patterns.
Integration Benefits
Quick access to frequently used regex patterns.
Investigators do not have to search for regex patterns each time and can use our predefined or custom patterns for various objects.
Leverage Regex Library Transforms for
Extract Objects of useful information.
By running a set of transforms related to a certain field, user can easily find all relevant objects (emails, phone numbers, bitcoin addresses etc.) from a web page.
About Regex Library
Regex Library Transforms helps analysts to extract matching objects from web pages using defined well-known “Regular Expressions” patterns (known as regex). For more information, visit https://regexlib.com/.