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By MaxMind Inc.
Retrieve location and ownership data about IP addresses.

MaxMind Transforms for Maltego
MaxMind is one of the leading providers of IP intelligence and online fraud detection tools. MaxMind provides IP intelligence through their GeoIP brand. Over 5,000 companies use GeoIP data to locate their internet visitors and show them relevant content and ads, enforce digital rights, and efficiently route internet traffic. Businesses can obtain additional insights into their customers' connection speeds, ISPs, and more using GeoIP data.
This set of Transforms are based on the MaxMind Precision Services API and include a number Transforms to retrieve location and ownership data about IP addresses.
- With the help of these Transforms, investigators can map IP addresses to physical locations
Typical Users of This Data
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Detective and Investigators
About MaxMind
MaxMind is one of the leading providers of IP intelligence and online fraud detection tools. MaxMind provides IP intelligence through their GeoIP brand. Over 5,000 companies use GeoIP data to locate their internet visitors and show them relevant content and ads, enforce digital rights, and efficiently route internet traffic. Businesses can obtain additional insights into their customers' connection speeds, ISPs, and more using GeoIP data.
For more information, visit https://www.maxmind.com/en/home.