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Google Social Network Transforms
By Maltego Technologies
Search for people and aliases in major social media networks.

Google Social Network Transforms for Maltego
Google Programmable Search Engine (GPSE) is a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search.
Google Social Network Transforms are Maltego Transforms for the GPSE API. These Transforms help investigators search for people and aliases in major social media networks for free.
Note: Maltego can see the most frequent customer queries (in an aggregated manner, not of specific customers). If the customer doesn’t want this to be seen by Maltego, then they can insert their own GPSE API Key and Engine ID. Follow steps listed here to add your own Engine ID and API Key.
Typical Users of Google Programmable Search Engine Transforms
- Law Enforcement
- Investigative Journalists
- Trust & Safety Teams

Integration Benefits
Find Social Media Profiles
Leverage Google Programmable Search Engine Transforms for
Map Online Footprint
About Google Programmable Search Engine
Google Programmable Search Engine is a platform provided by Google that allows web developers to feature specialized information in web searches, refine and categorize queries and create customized search engines, based on Google Search.
To learn more, visit https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/about/.