Google Maps Geocoding

By Maltego Technologies
Normalize and enrich location data in your investigations.
# Personal Identifiers # Fraud & Abuse # Journalists & Researchers
Google Maps Geocoding integration for Maltego

Google Maps Geocoding Transforms for Maltego 

The Google Maps Geocoding Transforms convert coordinates, phrases, and ambiguous addresses into standardized addresses.  Investigators can use these Transforms to normalize and enrich their location data, helping discover new patterns and insights. 

Google Maps Geocoding Transforms case in Maltego

Typical Users of Geocoding Data

  • Trust & Safety Investigators
  • Investigative Journalists
  • Due Diligence Investigators
  • All investigators analyzing location data

Integration Benefits

Address Normalization

Investigators can normalize badly formatted addresses, and different variants of the same address. This helps reduce noise and merge duplicated Entities, making it easier to find patterns in Maltego graphs.

Location and Coordinate Clustering

Investigators can find the cities and countries of location and GPS Entities, helping group them together.

Phrase to Location

Investigators can attempt to match phrases to locations, which can be useful when location names (but not addresses) are present on the graph (e.g., after extracting locations from social media posts).

Leverage Google Map Geocoding Data for

Follow the money, Due Diligence, Investigative Journalism

Normalizing addresses from company databases can help find interesting patterns. For example, companies registered at the same address might be related.

Person of Interest Investigations

Searching for ambiguous or incomplete locations from social media posts and profiles, merging them, and then clustering them by city.
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Technical Doc

Technical Documentation for Google Maps Geocoding

About Google Maps

Google Maps is a web mapping platform and consumer application offered by Google. It offers satellite imagery, aerial photography, street maps, 360° interactive panoramic views of streets (Street View), real-time traffic conditions, and route planning for traveling by foot, car, air, and public transportation. 

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