A company email works better. Want to switch?
The Maltego platform is designed for organizations. Using a company email means you'll get faster response times and access to features built specifically for business use.
For personal use, we recommend the free Community Edition (CE)!
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By FullContact Inc.
Search names, postal addresses, raw and hashed email addresses, phone numbers, and Mobile Ad IDs.

FullContact Transforms for Maltego
FullContact connects data fragments of an individual to build a whole-person picture. This includes both personal and professional identities and hundreds of marketing attributes to identify the individual person from the billions of people
FullContact Transforms enable investigators to get 360 insights into the people by bringing these data enrichment capabilities to Maltego. It focuses on enriching a graph taking domains and email addresses as a starting point.
Search and pivot across names, postal addresses, raw and hashed email addresses, phone numbers, and Mobile Ad IDs (MAIDs).
- Enrich email address, Twitter, domain, person, company, alias, telephone number and gain a comprehensive view of an individual to help accelerate investigations
Typical Users of This Data
- Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs)
About FullContact
FullContact is a privacy-safe Identity Resolution company based out of Colorado, USA.
For more information, visit https://www.fullcontact.com/.