“Decoding Political Violence with OSINT and Lessons from the Frontline”

Join deep dive: Wed, Dec 18, 16:00 CET
28 Oct 2019

Fighting Cyberbullies and Harassment with Martial Art and Maltego

Maltego Team

Cyberbullying is a constantly growing problem in our society today. According to Ipsos, one in three parents worldwide know a child in their community that has been a victim of cyberbullying. While awareness of cyberbullying and its effects is growing globally, measures still need to be taken to combat cyberbullying and harassment and teach vigilance to current and future generations!

To achieve this, a group of people in Italy created Zanshin Tech in 2014. Zanshin Tech is a martial art that deals specifically with cyberbullying. Yes, you read that right: a martial art! Zanshin Tech empowers its students by matching up cybersecurity techniques with the principles of traditional oriental martial arts like:

  • Acceptance
  • Respect for your opponent
  • Serene vigilance
  • Discipline

Through the analysis of real cases, students learn how to recognize the internal mechanisms of digital attacks by understanding the individual attack techniques used by the aggressor, always in the respect of the Rules of the Dojo (a primary one being not using what you learn to attack other people).

And they are using Maltego! 🔗︎

Students train in doing OSINT, both as individuals and in groups, in order to assess the potential risk of a first contact and to deal with an aggressor, collecting evidence that can be provided to law enforcement should the need arise.

Claudio Canavese, founder of Zanshin Tech, says:

“Maltego was an ideal choice: it’s simple but powerful; a very young student can learn how to use it in minutes while a trained one can unleash its full potential, taking advantage of the powerful sorting functions and building a shared graph together with others. These young students can create quick response teams (minimum 3 people) and assist their peers in the event of an attack.”

Silvia Perfigli, Shihan 2nd Dan Master, says:

“The immediacy of Maltego’s GUI allows us to never lose sight of the big picture while we are conducting an investigation session: in active OSINT (during an aggression) the key is to find a few important pieces of information in the shortest time possible. We developed a set of rules to facilitate teamwork and we are introducing specific entities to teach our students how to protect their digital identity.”

If you are curious to see how these young students (11 years up) train, watch this short video!

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